We have had Football games, T-Ball practice and games, Soccer practice and school!! Today there is nothing! Silly me just sent out an email for a play date! I just hate the idea of being cooped up in the house all day, no matter how big my list of To Do's are! I really need to do laundry and mop. Last night I was going to do that, but I looked for a recipe to make for dinner! I am sure you all know this but Blogging is addicting! I started at Kelly's Corner and went tons of other places. By the time I even found a recipe I needed to go to the store. Well, when I got home from the store Landon and Jeff had already ate! I was going to make something yummy! So instead I made a salad and fresh sourdough bread that was also yummy!! Now I need to go check my email and get the kiddos ready! Blog my heart away later ~ Amanda
Bible Verse Today!
"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith" Galatians 3:26